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OKS 370 - universal oil for the food processing industry
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1.0 OKS 370-5L 5 l canister (DIN 51) ¥1146.40
OKS 370 - universal oil for the food processing industry

Temperature range: -10°C to max. +180°C
Field of application: High performance oil for precision engineering machine components in the textile and packaging industries.
Properties: Taste- and odour neutral, extremely high lubricating ability, water repelling, dirt and rust removal, can be washed from textiles.
Approvals: NSF H1 (OKS 370: Reg. 124382).
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 926) Data sheet OKS 370 Suitable accessories:
  • Refillable compressed air spray can
  • industry oiler

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